The aim of the course is to introduce methods, resources and systems for decision support. Another goal is to acquire skills in the use of tools that use the presented methods and their practical use in decision-making in business practice.
- Teacher: Gangur Mikuláš
The aim of the course is to introduce methodolgy of science, especially quantitative methods from the field of data science.
- Teacher: Gangur Mikuláš
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
To lead and support students in their independent scientific work; to involve them in organizing professional colloquia and conferences; to help them improve publishing their prestige activity outputs in the form of scientific articles in indexed journals that primarily focus on the theme of their dissertation.
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
Vést a podporovat studenta v samostatné tvůrčí vědecké práci; zapojit jej do organizování odborných kolokvií a konferencí; naučit jej publikovat výstupy samostatné i kolektivní tvůrčí činnosti ve formě samostatných kapitol v monografiích a odborných vědeckých článků v recenzovaných časopisech, a to primárně v oblasti tematického zaměření disertační práce.
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
To lead and support students in their independent scientific work; to involve them in organizing professional colloquia and conferences; to help them improve publishing their prestige activity outputs in the form of scientific articles in indexed journals that primarily focus on the theme of their dissertation.
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav
- Teacher: Plevný Miroslav